To quote my fiancé Jason, “planning a wedding is the most fun you’ll never want to do again.” Let’s be honest here, whether you’re a veteran with a hundred weddings under your belt or you’re a novice, the idea of planning a wedding can be daunting. Through this process I’ve learned there is no such thing as smooth sailing when it comes to your plans and there always has to be some room for a little give.

Personally, I’ve been to maybe 100 weddings and after May 2010 I will have been apart of 5 so when I got engaged I had this feeling that everything was going to go right and it would be so simple to handle because I've known what I've wanted since I was in high school – and boy, was I wrong.

Here I am one year later and we have had two meltdowns at the place where we ordered the bridesmaid dresses, the hair salon I've been going to forever closed, a bridesmaid dropout (via TEXT!) and change of venues AFTER the save-the-dates came out and there are still a few months to go. I only have one thought: is it time to fly out for our honeymoon yet?

But through EVERYTHING I have dealt with I have learned a few things above anything else…be prepared, be flexible and keep an open mind. Nothing is worse than a bridezilla – and I hope what I have learned through planning my wedding and my best friend’s wedding (35 days exactly after mine) I can share and hopefully enlighten someone out there because you can listen to the experts, read all the books you want and dream that David Tutera is going to step in and help you, but unless you experience it hands-on you really have no idea what you are in for. Because in the end, it will be the greateast day of your life and all you can hope for is that you get to enjoy it the way the bride and groom should!


Got something you want to read about or a question about a situation you're in the middle of and need an honest answer? Feel free to email me at with the appropriate subject line, even if I don't write about it I promise I will get back to you one way or another!

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before I do.
By: Sara J Gamble
JANUARY-- The Beginning