Getting Fit for Spring: Working Weights into your Workout
by:  Kelly Emerton
Contrary to what many women think, it’s nearly impossible to bulk up from strength training. This is because compared to men, women have 10-30 times less of the hormone (testosterone) that cause muscle hypertrophy. It would take an extremely restricted diet and some hormone enhancement to look like a bulky body builder. So stop using that as an excuse to only do cardio! To get the highly coveted Jessica Biel healthy gorgeous body, you have to incorporate all three components into your fitness routine: strength training (yes, weights), cardiovascular training and nutrition. But let’s focus on the strength training for now.

The key to weight training is to make sure your program addresses each body part and to make sure that you are doing exercises designed to lengthen and lean. First, make sure that you balance out your muscle groups.

You can do your weight training two different ways:

1. Perform each exercise with 12-20 repetitions and rest for 30 seconds. Repeat for 3 sets, and then move on to the next exercise machine.

2. Perform each exercise consecutively until you have hit all exercise machines (again 12-20 reps per machine), then take a rest for about 1-2 minutes. And repeat the entire cycle two more times.

The average woman who strength trains 2-3 times per week for two months will gain nearly 2 pounds of muscle but will lose 3.5 pounds of fat. This is a net gain of 1.5 pounds, but for each pound of muscle you gain, you will burn 35 to 50 more calories each day. This is because it takes more energy to maintain muscle tissue than it does to maintain fat tissue, so muscle will make you burn the fat faster!

Other than fat loss, you will be physically stronger, decrease your risk of osteoporosis, improve your athletic performance and reduce risk of injury, heart disease, and diabetes. So start incorporating some weight training into your physical routine for a healthier, sexier, more confident you!

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Get some tricks and tips on how to show off your new fit body with our Spring 2010 Shopping Guide.

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