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"Mr. Nice Guy"
"Personality can make you uglier or more attractive. The choice is yours."

"Mr. Teacher"
Personality is everything! Looks only matter to the young and/or singles. Lasting relationships are built on the "stand-ability" of each other. If the person is beautiful and you realize that you just do not like the person then the relationship turns sour. You can always find a better looking person. 

"Mr Tell it Like it Is"
We'd all be lying if we said that our initial attraction to someone had nothing to do with a physical attraction but what I've learned not only from my own but from watching other long term relationships and marriages is how important personality is when it comes to relationships. I don't care how attractive you find someone there is absolutely nothing worse than waking up one day and realizing that the person you're with has a personality that completely turns you off. If you're a go getter who sees each day as a challenge do you really want to come home to someone who is negative and seems to be defeated before even trying something new? I remember dating a woman before I was married who I had a deep physical attraction with but after about two months I just couldn't stand to be around her for long periods of time because of her personality. I just think that before committing yourself to a long term relationship both people should take a hard look at how compatible their personalities are because that will have a lot to do with how the relationship turns out.

"Mr. Mogul"
Not much!! It's easier to inspire a person to upgrade their personality level than to make a person with great personality beautiful! I can send Miss Personality to a glam quad to get all dolled up but that may not make her Halle Berry who is beautiful when she wakes up, even in her darkest hour she’s beautiful. On the other hand Miss personality is beautiful in a sense, because having personality is beautiful, but if you are like me... it’s about the looks! To hell with the brains and bring on that Top Model! I will make her Miss Personality by default, because I'm a King!

"Mr. Artistic"
Personality outweighs looks by 1,000,000 tons because it's everything, its the makeup of a person that never fades. Pretty looks will eventually turn into ugly looks and then whats left? Nothing but a bunch of dry wrinkle... 
Personality is rare. You can find a dumb pretty blond anywhere!

"Mr. Emotionally Unavailable"
Guys may not admit or even realize, but great looks are ultimately only a portion of being attractive. Dating a gorgeous woman with a bland personality is like driving a Bentley with no engine. Basically, the relationship won’t go anywhere anytime fast. Physical attraction leads to the first date, but personality ultimately is what leads to more than just dating. I remember dating this absolutely beautiful business manager who I later found out had the personality of a rock. It became so bad that even her text messages became boring. Needless to say, we didn't last very long. So, in addition to a women’s physical appearance, personality plays a large role in determining how attractive one is, but I wouldn't encourage anyone to forgo the gym to focus on reading joke books either. Attraction will always be a balance of the two.