Have Fun in the Sun Without Paying for it Later:
Is Something in Your Medicine Cabinet causing you Sun Sensitivity?
By: Sola Ayodeji
          veryone wants to soak up the sun during summer, but there is a safe way to do it. Take these five steps to protect yourself against skin cancer.

1) Take a look at your meds

Photo sensitivity (sun sensitivity) is when skin becomes inflamed as a result of the combination of sunlight and specific medications or substances. Some sun-sensitive medicines will cause reactions similar to that of a sun burn. Read the labels of the medicine you take to find out the side effects and if special care needs to be taken when you are on the drugs and out in the sun. Sun-sensitive drugs include some antibiotics, antihistamines, cardiac drugs, acne medications, pain killers, birth control, and other drugs. Protect yourself by using sunscreen and avoid spending long periods of time in the sun.

2) Love your body and it will love you back

The sun can hurt your immune system so you need to keep your body in the best shape possible so it can fight back. Mild sunburns can repress the immune functions of spots where the sunburns are. A strong immune system means natural protection against the sun. It decreases your vulnerability to infections and cancer. Eating a balanced diet is good for your system, so get friendly with your fruits and veggies. It is also important that you get vitamin C and vitamin E because the antioxidants in these vitamins enhance the functions of the immune system. Foods that are full of vitamin C include apples, tomatoes, cauliflower, and peppers. For vitamin E, you should turn to foods like nuts, seeds, egg yolk, and sardines. Another component important to your diet is iron. Almonds, beans, raisins, and prunes are iron rich foods. Other than food, liquid is important. Water is a must! Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day because it is important for the chemical reactions that go on in your body. Taking care of the inside of your body is one thing, but taking care of the outside is another. Hit the gym and make it a regular habit, 25-30 minutes few days a week should do the trick. After a long day at the gym or at work, make sure you catch some zzz’s. Sleep may sound mundane compared to the other things you have to do to become strong, but it is vital to keep your body in good condition. Also remember not to stress out during the day because stress doesn’t help you, so meditate and work your issues out.

3) Think Genetics

If you have a family history of melanoma then you have an increased risk of getting it. Recent medical studies imply that melanoma occurs as a result of a mutation of the CDKN2 gene on chromosome 9. Genetic vulnerabilities to skin cancer include certain skin colors, hair colors and eye colors. People who have fair complexions that freckle easily, people who have red or blond hair and people who have blue or light-colored eyes are known to be at risk. Not only should you pay attention to your family history, you should reflect on your personal history. If you have had any skin cancer you are at greater risk of getting it that someone who hasn’t had it. There is also a risk factor for you if you had other cancers, like leukemia or lymphoma. You should also watch out if you have had atypical moles since birth. If you have a history of severe sun burns you also should be mindful of your exposure to the sun.

4) Be Proactive

Before you step out the door, gear up, like you are going to war! Wear a hat to keep the sun out of your face. Throw on some sun glasses to protect your eyes and don’t forget to use sun screen. Sunscreen that is SPF 30 or higher and has both UVA and UVB protection is the perfect solution to combat the damage the sun’s rays can do. When you are out and about, seek shade during midday hours. Divas aren’t the only ones who can rock an umbrella when it’s not raining. Whip out an umbrella during sunny weather and you’ll keep your skin looking better than the people around you.

5) Enjoy the sun!

There is no problem with spending time in the sun, just don’t overdo it and make sure that you do it right. I know it might seem like a hassle to tweak your lifestyle because you’re going out in the sun, but rest assured that these steps will serve you in the long run.


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