How To Lose Weight Without Breaking A Sweat
Shhh!  Want to know the secret to losing weight minus the nasty sweat? Increase your metabolism. An increased metabolism helps you burn calories. But don’t bother cutting the calories you currently eat out of your diet because it won’t help you lose weight quicker. The body needs calories to lose calories. If you cut calories out of your diet your metabolism may slow down to the point where you are not burning excess calories. Worst of all your body may start storing more fat.

Watch out for the things that slow down your metabolism. Poor eating, lack of sleep, stress, strict dieting, and toxins in your body are no good for your metabolism. When you eat make sure to stay away from processed foods and foods that are high in fat. You can have treats, but stick to organic and natural foods. Sleeping in addition to eating may sound lazy, but they are both good for you. Sleep makes your body more efficient at burning calories. Also, stop stressing. Stress causes fat to be stored around the belly. The act of stressing induces high levels of cortisol, a hormone that that causes belly fat. Strict diets slow down the metabolism, so just work on eating healthy.

In addition to ensuring your metabolism functions properly, you can consume foods that increase your metabolism foods that increase your metabolism. Eggs, chicken breast, turkey, peanut butter, spinach, and beans should become some of your best friends. They each have a trick for helping your metabolism and helping you to lose weight. Eggs are high in protein and, may in fact, be one of the best foods for increasing your metabolism. Peanut butter is high in fiber, so try sticking a celery stalk in it, this makes for a healthy snack. Beans are a filling food and they have fiber and protein. Popeye had it right whenever he chucked down a can of spinach. Spinach contains antioxidants that assist in repairing damaged muscles and keep free radicals from acting in a damaging way to your health. This green vegetable also has iron, vitamin C, potassium and magnesium.
By: Sola Ayodeji
Not only is a healthy diet good for you, adding a little spice to the things you eat doesn’t hurt as well. Cayenne pepper can give a slow metabolism a kick. It is known for its antioxidant action and along with Tabasco sauce it has the power to increase metabolism and fat burning ability by up to 25%. Turmeric increases the metabolism so you can burn more calories even when you are relaxing. If you are going to start working out try Siberian Gingseng. This herb can aid your body in dealing with the stress of changes it is not use to. If you use this herb then you won’t feel as tired when doing simple exercises. Psyillium is an herb that can help you consume fewer calories and still feel full. Garcinia may become your favorite spice to aid you in weight loss because it suppresses hunger and prevents the body from storing fat.

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Lastly, you might want to consider when eating to increase your metabolism is changing the way you eat. Sometimes we are so hungry we want to wolf down our meal, but take the time to enjoy. If you chew your food 25 times before swallowing it will save the energy your body has stored and increase your metabolism.