Flattery Will Get You Nowhere
Fat in Certain Places is Actually a Plus

by Jules Perkel

Curves on a woman are part of what defines our femininity, but some of us have more of it than others. With the media hype around public figures like Beyonce, Alicia Keys, Salma Hayek and even Scarlett Johansson, more attention is being paid to exploring the curvaceous female figure. Fat, you say? How can that possibly be a good thing when many women struggle with being overweight and having healthy self image?

From a Social Lens. In certain cultures, like many from Africa and Latin America, embracing the curvaceous figure was figured out long ago. News flash – we like the full figured woman.

Hollywood and the like may be catching on too. Over the past decade there has seemingly been a curve explosion in tinsel town, and it is trickling down to the masses. Young and old women have taken steps towards embracing a fuller figure. Bela Shehu, Creative Director of Shehu, a design and development company in the fashion industry, mentions that to be considered a "true" curvy woman you would have to be around a size 10.

In a May 2008 study published in the Psychological Bulletin, research suggests that exposure to mass media depicting the thin “ideal” body may be linked to body image disturbance in women. It could be that we are psychologically reflecting what we see through the media. Now that society is socially more accepting of the curvy woman, so then, maybe we are as individuals?

Fat is a good thing, but it goes beyond what we as individuals find attractive. From a biological lens, your body needs fat in order to carry out every day metabolic functions. As some of the readers may know, there are healthy body fats, and unhealthy (saturated) fats. These are the fats we ingest, and we are what we eat, in moderation of course. Having the proper BMI (Body Mass Index), muscle to fat ratio, and weight to height ratio is probably the most important thing to keep in mind. Remember that a person can be 5 foot 2 inches and weigh 110 pounds and have more body fat on them compared to a woman who is 5 foot 6 inches and 150 pounds of healthy lean muscle.

Having fat in the right places means that you eat healthy, well balanced-nutritious meals, exercise and hydrate yourself regularly. In this sense it is mind over matter.  How we look at ourselves is a critical determinate in our ability as individuals and society to embrace those curvy figures.


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