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Mr. Nice Guy
It boils down to self worth. A lot of women struggle with esteem issues. Women are bombarded with ideals of beauty that are neither realistic or universal. As a result, some women try to compensate for their lack of self esteem by associating themselves with someone who may boost their esteem vis-à-vis the material world, even tough the relationship is psychologically abusive.

Mr. Teacher
Why are toilet seats and humid hair big issues? I am not a woman and will never understand any of these things.

Mr Tell it Like it Is
By saying that a woman "de-values" herself I think we are looking at it as the value that we see in her and not what she see's in herself. Doesn't matter if the man is rich or poor if a woman allows herself to be mistreated, abused, or disrespected its because she does not see her own worth. Self respect will allow a woman to set boundaries and quickly leave a situation of those boundaries are broken because she knows that she is worth more and can find someone who will value her as much as she values herself. A woman who does not have that self respect will look at money, clothes, and cars as a fair trade.

Mr. Mogul
Some like things that shine even though it's not always the best thing for you.

Mr. Artistic
Women that repeatedly show low self esteem don't know what value is because they never had it. They may think value is in a man's power and money. She may not realize that it's easier to make 1 million dollars for herself opposed to finding a supportive nice husband or man. Nine out of ten times it's because she witnessed her mother or another female role-model depending on a man in her childhood. Seeing that growing up influences the choice of man, i.e., the rich guy... and in her mind it's not de-value its value.

Mr. Emotionally Unavailable
Well, I dated a really hot chick who was shallow and did not have much going for her except her legs, so I guess in a roundabout way I can understand the superficiality presented here, but I really enjoyed our several days together. Ladies, you should definitely marry the guy who is financially stable and treats you well, but nothing is wrong taking that trip to Paris with the rich old guy who occasionally forgets your name beforehand.

Self Worth:
Some women clearly de-value themselves in relationships... Why